Nickname: Clauds
What would be the theme song of your life? Don’t worry, be happy
What has been your favorite memory this year? Going to Exmouth with friends
What is the craziest/most daring thing you’ve ever done? Cliff jumping
What talents do you possess that not a lot of people know? Good at impersonations
How would your friends describe you? Straight forward, but caring
What is your favourite quote? You will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory
If you could travel to one of the planets, which planet would you go to? Neptune
Would you rather... perform in a circus or in an aquatic dance group? Perform in a circus
What would you like to do before your next birthday? Travel up north again
What food do you dislike the most and why? Onion. Honestly do not have a reason just hate it
What is the first thing people notice about you? My lips, most probably
Who is your hero and why? Jim Carey. He has such an amazing story behind him that i find so inspiring
If you were a drink, what would you be? Vodka Raspberry
What is one thing you’d like to cross off your bucketlist this year? Swim with Sharks
What kind of a dessert would you be? Chocolate Mud Cake
Whats your favourite cheer/dance move? The moonwalk
What is your most treasured possession? A little coin that my gar gave me
If you could have a magical power, what power would you choose? Teleportation
What is your favourite movie? LOL
What do you love the most about Cosmic Empire Allstars? Everyone that goes there and the opportunities you get to have